Our Meetings So Far:
Carousel House Rebuild Community Design Update
February 22, 2024 (Virtual)
Based on almost 300 comments that community members have shared about the outdoor spaces at Carousel House, the Rebuild team created a draft plan for the outdoor areas and engaged community members about the features they would like to see included.
After Philadelphia Parks and Recreation provided an update about the relocation and expansion of the farm to Parkside Avenue, the Rebuild design team shared that the new Carousel House facility will have a new, larger playground; parking lots with ADA-accessible spaces; and a drop-off area near the main entrance that will face the Parkside neighborhood. Community stakeholders had an opportunity to share their thoughts about getting to the facility and what kinds of activities and equipment should be available for both children and adults.
Carousel House Percent for Art Community Meeting
November 21, 2023 (Virtual)
Rebuild is partnering with the City of Philadelphia's Percent for Art program to bring public art to the Carousel House! On Monday, November 21, 2023, Percent for Art hosted a virtual community meeting with stakeholders to explain the artist selection process, gather input about the kinds of artwork people would like to see, and discuss the potential location of the art piece.
Check out the video from the Percent for Art Community Meeting for more information:
Click the above image to watch the virtual Percent for Art Meeting
Carousel House Rebuild Design Workshop
March 28 (at the Please Touch Museum) and March 30 (Virtual), 2023
After receiving more than 400 comments during the first Carousel House Rebuild Design Workshop (see below), the design team developed proposed spaces and layouts for the new facility that would meet the diversity of community needs and priorities. Almost 80 people joined Rebuild for the second design workshop to learn about the draft proposals and share their feedback on how they would like to see different indoor spaces used and designed.
Following a welcome from Rebuild and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, the Rebuild team shared the project goals, team, timeline, and past engagement activities. DIGSAU (from the Design Team) shared exciting design ideas for the new facility:
Adaptive re-use of the existing foundation to more than double the size of the former Carousel House
Changing the location of the main entrance to face the Parkside neighborhood
A multi-purpose atrium
A gym with 2 full-length basketball courts
An indoor pool with a lap pool and activity pool
Locker rooms
Fitness room
Art/ceramics room
Sensory room
Computer lab and multi-purpose rooms

Carousel House Rebuild Update Meeting
September 29, 2022 (Virtual)
The Carousel House Rebuild team was excited to share a progress update with stakeholders during the virtual Rebuild Update Meeting. We shared the project timeline, reviewed the needs and priorities shared in past engagements, and gave an update on the studies and analyses the Design Team has been working on. Right now, the Design Team is testing out a variety of program layouts that can balance community priorities with the project budget. These draft designs will be shared with community members at the next engagement event.
Check out the video and presentation materials from the Update Meeting for more information:
Click the above image to watch the virtual Rebuild Update Meeting
Click the above image to review the presentation from the Rebuild Update Meeting
Carousel House Rebuild Pop-ups
June 11 (West Park Arts Fest) and June 24 (My City, My Place Awards), 2022
The Carousel House Rebuild engagement team tabled during two annual community events. We shared information about the project and gathered stories about the art, culture, and history of the Carousel House and Parkside neighborhood.
Thanks to the West Park Cultural Center for welcoming us during the West Park Arts Fest on June 11, 2022, and to DBHIDS’ Division of Intellectual disAbility Services for including us at the My City, My Place Brighter Futures Awards on June 24, 2022!
How do you think the arts, culture, and history of the Carousel House and Parkside neighborhood should be reflected in this Rebuild project? Check out #mycarouselcommunity for ways to share your ideas!

Carousel House Rebuild Design Workshop
February 22nd (virtual) and 24th (in-person at Gustine Rec Center), 2022
Building on the momentum of the Rebuild Meet and Greet events (see below), the community was invited to participate in virtual and in-person Design Workshops on February 22, 2022 (virtual) and February 24, 2022 (in-person at Gustine Rec Center). More than 120 people joined Rebuild for these events and shared their thoughts on how they would like to use the future facility and how accessible features should be incorporated into every space.
Following a welcome from Rebuild, Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, and Councilperson Curtis Jones’ Office, the Rebuild team reminded participants about the goals of the project and timeline. Then, Rebuild shared information about the existing conditions of the building and outdoor areas. Next, DIGSAU (from the Design Team) talked about proposed spaces for the new facility, including:
A larger building overall
A gym with 2 full-length basketball courts
An indoor pool with an activity area and space for swimming laps
A recreational loop
Locker rooms
Classrooms and multi-purpose rooms
Fitness room
Ceramics/arts and crafts room

Participants were invited to join breakout rooms (virtual) or participate in different discussion stations (in-person) to share their thoughts on the following topics:
New facility spaces and programs
What kinds of programs and activities would you want to see in this space?
How could this space be used for inclusive programs and activities?
Outdoor spaces - playground, walking loop, farm
How have you used this space?
What are programs or activities you have participated in here?
Getting to the new facility
What form(s) of transportation would you take to get to the new facility?
Which direction would you come from to get to the new facility?
Where do you think there should be an entrance to the new facility?
Accessible features
Other ideas
Carousel House Rebuild Meet & Greet
October 27th (virtual) and November 17th (in person at Gustine Rec Center), 2021
The Rebuild team was excited to kick off the public engagement for the Carousel House project with virtual and in-person Meet and Greet events on October 27, 2021 (virtual) and November 17, 2021 (in-person at Gustine Rec Center). Thanks to the over 100 community members who shared their time and valuable insight with us during these meetings!
After a welcome from Rebuild’s Executive Director Kira Strong and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Commissioner Kathryn Ott-Lovell, the Rebuild team shared information about the project’s goals and values.
Next, each member of the Rebuild team had an opportunity to introduce themselves, talk about their past projects, and share the values they are bringing to the Carousel House Rebuild work.

From there, the team shared the project timeline and proposed community engagement activities. There was an opportunity to hear from participants about what would help engage different communities in the Carousel House Rebuild process. Stakeholders emphasized the need for local meetings in the neighborhood, intentionally involving people with disabilities in the process, and sharing information with a diversity of community members over different networks and channels. Participants also had an opportunity to ask questions about the project and process, which have been collected and answered in the FAQ.